Monday, August 17, 2009


A little information on Lemmon Essential Oil - Therapeutic Grade.

Dr. Valnet states that the vaporized essence of lemon (when diffused in a diffuser) can kill meningococcus bacteria in 15 minutes, typhoid bacilli in one hour, Staphylococcus aureus in two hours, and Pneumococus bacteria within three hours. Even a 0.2 percent solution of lemon oil can kill diphtheria bacteria in 20 minutes and inactivate tuberculosis bacteria in the air.

Lemon oil has been used for anemia, asthma, herpes, warts, shingles, bleeding, malaria, parasites, rheumatism, throat infections, sore throats, ureter infections, and varicose veins.

To Quick-Purify Water:
If you're in an area where the water is suspect, add two drops of lemon oil to a glass of water and stir. Let it sit a couple of minutes, the pollutants will come to the top. Skim them off with a spoon or place a clean napkin or paper towel over the top of the water and let them absorb into the napkin.

Balancing pH:
Lemon essential oil provides a pleasant way to help balance your pH. The pH of lemon is just about perfect for the human body. So if your body tends to run too acid, drinking a few drops of lemon oil in water two to three times a day is a healthy practice.

• Place a drop of Lemon oil on cold sores, herpes or other mouth ulcers to lessen pain and aid in healing.
• Put a drop of Lemon oil on bleeding gums caused by gingivitis or tooth extraction.
• Rub a drop of Lemon oil to clean a butcher’s block or other cutting surfaces.
• Put a drop of Lemon oil on oily skin or acne to balance sebaceous glands (oil glands).
• Rub several drops of Lemon oil on cellulite to improve circulation and help eliminate waste from the cells.
• Rub two drops of Lemon oil topically to clear athlete’s foot.
• Rub several drops of Lemon oil on varicose veins to improve circulation and relieve pressure on the veins.
• Rub a drop of Lemon oil on a wart morning and night until it disappears.
• Rub a drop of Lemon oil on a corn, callous or bunion mornings and evenings.

NOTE: All citrus essential oils and bergamot are photosensitizing, so avoid applying to skin that will be exposed to direct sunlight or UV light. Sunscreen will “not” protect you.

It is also recommended that you NEVER mix therapeutic-grade essential oils with other products that contain synthetic chemicals or petrochemicals. Therapeutic-grade essential oils will break them down. When a drop of therapeutic-grade lemon oil is put on a styrofoam cup it dissolves it!

The informational here is for educational purposes only and is not intended as diagnosis, treatment, or prescription of any kind. The decision to use, or not to use, any information is the sole responsibility of the reader.

Carpet Cleaning - "We used 10 drops of Lemon Essential Oil for each gallon as we cleaned our carpets today. It was amazing how it brightened up the rug and helped pull stains out....and what a fresh smell! We got daring and decided to use Lavender Oil for the bedroom and it was great! I also noticed that by having the Lemon EO in the solution, there was not a problem with foaming in the dirty water." Happy Housekeeper in Georgia
For many of us, the color and fragrance of a lemon bring to mind freshness and vitality. While the uses of lemon and lemon juice are countless and varied, perhaps the strongest effect Lemon Essential Oil has to offer is that of lifting our spirits, particularly when we face mental fatigue. Lemon oil helps the body face physical and psychological weariness, most strongly influencing the mind by supporting concentration and the ability to memorize. In Japan, a test showed a 54% decrease in typing mistakes when lemon oil was diffused into an office area.

Rather than exhibit an extreme acidic quality, Lemon Essential Oil works as an excellent stabilizer of the body's acidity - alkalinity content.


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